Friday, April 23, 2021

Mating Season for Turkeys - April 22, 2021

It is that time of year again and the turkeys that frequent out backyard are putting on a show.  Turkeys are some of the most beautiful birds we see on a regular basis.  They are in the park area behind our house on a daily basis.  The corn and seeds that we drop on the ground every day probably has something to do with their visits.  Here are a few photos that we hope you enjoy.

An amazing array of colors in the feathers and on their heads.

We typically have from two to four turkeys scouring the ground looking for food twice a day. 

This turkey has found a nice dirt patch to take a bath.  Turkeys do what is called "dusting" to remove excess oils from their feathers.  Once the dirt has absorbed the oils, it can be shaken off leaving the bird "clean".  Other species of birds do the same thing to get clean.

This Tom has got the urge to mate and is trying to impress the hen.

Displaying his full and very impressive tail fan.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Backyard Animals - April 11, 2021

Last Sunday was the best day of 2021 for sitting on the patio and enjoying the weather and nature. The flowering trees and new leaves provided color to enhance the beauty of the wildlife. We are looking forward to the migrating birds that are yet to come.

At a distance, I thought these graceful soaring birds were hawks but after seeing the photos, I realized that they were Turkey Vultures.

A different kind of bird. When I see planes flying overhead, I wonder what kinds of adventures those on board are either starting or ending. The plane was heading for the sunset. There still aren't as many planes leaving contrails in the setting sun as in past years.