Monday, May 18, 2020

Reddy Kilowatt Lives Again - 5/18/2020

I got a package in the mail from a friend a few days ago.  I couldn't imaging what was inside.  He is a retiree of Kansas City Power and Light (Evergy).  I originally posted this on our Evergy retirement club Facebook Group but wanted to re-post it here just for fun and share a little nostalgia.  It was a nice photo project as well.

After opening the package, I found a aged cardboard box that was itself designed to be mailed.  My first thought was a collection of post cards.  To my surprise, it was Reddy Kilowatt still in the original packaging from most likely the 1950's.  My friend had saved a number of promotional items from the trash can years ago when KCPL was cleaning house.  He was kind enough to share Reddy with me.

I decided to do a photo project so I could share Reddy with everyone.  I took photos of the package in stages as I opened it and then of Reddy in his full glory even holding one of my old Aquila business cards.  He was meant to do that.   Reddy had 60 years of dust on him so he had to get a bath before his photo session.    I retired from Aquila which was later acquired by KCPL.

Reddy even glows in the dark.  That was a fad back in the 50's and 60's.   As a child, I had lots of toys that glowed and was fascinated by them.  I had watches that glowed in the dark before there were back-lit LCDs.  They were pretty dim and I always had a hard time reading them even with young eyes.  Reddy still glows but is very dim.

If you think about it, why would a business person or even a utility customer want a glow in the dark Reddy?  The only time you can see him is when you sit in the dark.  The glow fades quickly.  Reddy is very delicate and wouldn't last five minutes in a child's hands.  What kid has business cards that Reddy could hold?  Maybe there was a reason why KCPL had left-overs.

Here is a link to Reddy's Wikipedia information if you are interested:

This link takes you to a video obviously made many years ago showing Reddy touting his abilities:

Reddy as he was packaged.

The back of the packages gives a hint as to the age of the item.

Reddy in all his glory.

Reddy with one of my old business cards.  He was designed to hold a card.

Reddy is plugged into a electrical outlet cover plate.  You can see his name molded into his shoes.

This was a challenging photo.  It had to be taken in total darkness to see his glow.  He was not actually as bright as he appears in the photo.

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