Edel invited Sigrid and me to join her at a dedication party to celebrate the new carousel at the Kansas City Zoo. The carousel was a special project for Ruth Lewellen while she was alive. Ruth was the wife of Bob Lewellen, a former City Councilman and Mayoral Candidate. Bob and his family were all in attendance to host the party. Edel and her late husband, Pete, were good friends with the Lewellen's.

The Lewellen family at one time had a number of Pizza Hut restaurants in KC and still operate two restaurants. The food at the party was catered by their restaurant and was delicious. It was a little different having dinner with all kinds of exotic animals making their evening sounds not far away.

Edel enjoyed the evening. The weather was great with moderate temperatures and low humidity.

The Carousel.

Nobody got a bigger kick out of the carousel than Sigrid.

Lewellen family members pose by the memorial plaque.

Edel always finds a concrete animal to ride (see Hawaii posts).

Another very nice evening.
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